An online journal for cataloguing our adventures in adopting, or at least attempting to adopt a child, hence the title. This is an exercise in forming a family through the miracle of adoption. Blogging in the singular person will allow me to comment without consulting my wife, and also absolve her of responsibility for anything stupid I might say. I plan to update this at least weekly. Feel free to comment and advise, but also pray for us as we embark on this rather intimidating adventure.
Every now and then, I go back and re-read some of my old posts. A couple weeks ago, I realized that I would occasionally say write like - "more on that later" or "maybe I'll explain that more later on." So, I'm sortof preparing re-visit some of "that" in February. Sometime there-abouts we'll be in a waiting period of some sort, so updates will be largely about things not directly linked to the process, like getting the room ready, and upcoming "Guatemala night" (more on that later - hehe).
OK a looooong time ago, I posted on this blog that I wondered if I'd someday be making tamales for my Guatemalan born daughter.
Labels: Guatemala
As you might expect, we're really getting into learning about Guatemala - it's Geography (of course), food, people, history, and music.
Labels: Guatemala
More good news for those of you worried about us shady characters. Not only did we pass our various background and drug tests - but now the Department of Homeland Security's United States Citizenship and Immigration Office has our fingerprints! So, if we ever return to our life of crime, we'll have to start wearing gloves.
Labels: DHS, immigration, paperchase, USA
I'm thinking this might be a great time to put our house on the market. The house has never been cleaner, more organized, and certainly never been more "set-up". What I mean by setup is that each room is now totally defined. We've got 4 bedrooms, plus a family room and den just for the 2 of us - so previously we've always had at least 1 room as a complete mess with the door closed, and another room not really setup for anything useful - often just a storage area. Now, we've got all the rooms actually defined for a specific use. We've also got the new sidewalk referenced here, and I also recently finished replacing the last of the old windows (only took me 6 years!).
Labels: paperchase, USA
Well, I can tell you exactly who we are! In fact, We've got so many government agencies asking us to prove who we am that I'm pretty sure postman is wondering what's going on (tip to the red-head on that little joke).
Labels: paperchase, USA
Every year at the first Sunday worship service, each congregant chooses a personal watchword. These are usually single verses or brief Bible passages that provide some valuable insight or inspiration. This is a longstanding tradition similar to the use of daily texts that a regular opportunity for the same. In fact, many organizations within the church also choose watchwords - youth group, choir, boards, etc.
We had our individual interviews this morning. I can't say enough about our social worker, Jessica. She just has a pleasant and comforting way about her - truly ensuring us that she's guiding and helping us through a process, rather than hunting for issues that might disqualify us.
Labels: paperchase, USA