Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wishful hearing and a variety of ponderances

ooops, sorry :(

Lately, I've been rather introspective about this adoption and my baby girl. Thinking a lot about what she will really be like. Are the pictures below any indication of her personality? Did she just smile in these pictures, or did she laugh out loud? What does her laugh even sound like? Between meetings and putting out fires (figuratively) - that's really what I've been thinking about all day.

I have the pictures, particularly the latest round totally memorized, but will I even recognize her when I meet her later this month? Will she recognize me when we return for the pick up trip after having spent 4 days with her some months prior?

No updates to provide on the case, but the countdown to the next step continues. We might not actually have major news until early Sept as that will put us through the normal time frame for this step in the process (waiting for Pre-Approval). Also, a step has been added at the end. The US Embassy now requires a follow-up DNA test to ensure a match to very early in the process. While I don't like the additional cost and extra 1-2 weeks wait at the end, I support this step anyway. It's important that this process be as ethical as possible.

I might be broaching an unwritten blog rule by including 3 subjects in one post, but I've got one more item to note. The blog-roll has grown and I wanted to make a special point to invite you to visit these folks. Some were mentioned in my tag post, but now they are officially linked in! Each and every one of these bloggers has something worthwhile to say. As I keep telling ya'll, I don't personally blog about certain topics - at least at this point. But I do think and talk about all kinds of adoption issues, and these folks offer a great deal of insight, to me at least.

The Road to Uzbekistan
- some fine folks who hope to bring home their daughter some time soon!

Waiting for Anthony
- who just got new pictures of their adorable son, and post some truly inspirational thoughts regularly.

Uzbek Ubet
- might be the funniest mom around these days. Trust me, you have to check that blog out.

Keeping On - who's girls really are gorgeous. A multi-racial family from whom we can learn a lot.

From the Mind of a Bmom - mom to Cory who really has a great outlook on life with her experiences in an open adoption.

Stupid stuff I think- oh yes, I've got the guts to link in Petunia - somewhat outspoken, never dull, and almost always right - almost.

My Best Laid Plans
- great title - a blog I just recently found, which seems to spark a lot of deep thoughts for me.

Our Guatemalan Adoption
- not the most original title, but a new family family just about to bring home their son. For some reason, I sense we have somethings in common with these folks.

Last but not least - our "neighbors" and new friends chronicle their Wild Ride to bringing home Toby.

That's it for now. Enjoy the required reading!

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At 1:01 AM, Blogger BlessedWithDaughters said...

Thanks for the link.

Speaking of great blog titles...yours is hysterical! It always makes me grin.

I enjoy both your wife's and your blog...

Back soon to

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Just wanted to say I think you are going to be an awesome dad! And your blog is great too! ;)

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Tasha Kent said...

Dang... I was enjoying the extra visits to my site from the other Uzbek family.

Thanks for the plug!

At 4:19 PM, Blogger petunia said...

I say a picture of my daughter for the first time on memorial day last year...I met her two days later and she was ours with just that one glimpse the day before - she will be so YOURS when you see her for the first time - you already know every part of her face. I bet you cannot wait to hold her!

At 3:23 PM, Blogger SJ said...

Thanks for plug! :)


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