Sunday, November 12, 2006


Well, that's all I really have time for right now. It's late Sunday evening and we literally just returned home from our vacation to the Outer Banks.

When we arrived home, a large envelope from Bethany was waiting for us on the kitchen counter (our good friends from up the street bring in the mail and check on our felines).

Anyway, the first word on the letter was "Congratulations" - so we knew what it was all about. It was a very exciting moment! We weren't quite sure what to expect, but apparently we're approved, then the references go out. In fact, thanks to cell phones and e-mail, we already know that our references have received their very own packets to fill out!!! On top of that, our approval letter included a fresh new packet with plenty of paperwork to complete. Also some information about all kinds of other documentation. Haven't had time to review it completely - just wanted to let ya'll know that we've been approved! I'm sure I'll have more updates in the next few days.


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